Wood Color Change

Our products are indeed selling well in the market because they prioritize quality with optimal processes. From wood logs to furniture in every detail, we produce quality products. For color changes, we provide the best materials so that they can maintain the quality of the wood color

This is our product, namely square resin table production, prioritizing the uniqueness of the wood color.

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Here is the explanation to be aware that the color of the wood will change due to several factors :

1. Weather and Climate Factors

The weather will cause the wood to change color more quickly due to the influence of humidity. For example, when it rains, wood that is exposed to water and when it is wet will change the color of the wood. The wetter the wood, the more faded and darker the color will be.


2. Sunshine And High Temperature

Sunlight and affects the color of the wood, if the wood is exposed to long sunlight and high-temperature weather, the wood will be lighter, but on the contrary if the temperature is low, the wood will darken longer.

This happens because of the release of extractive substances contained in a wood surface.


3. Oxidation Process

The optimal oxidation process makes the wood strong, healthy and looks fresh. Wood that is oxidized smoothly and perfectly will bring out a natural wood pattern and is beautiful to look at. For example, light brown if the wood is brown, besides that the resulting pattern will look beautiful because the cells in it are relatively well developed.


4. The Precipitation of Wood Surface Dyes

Precipitation occurs when the wood is often under pressure and accommodates excess air volume, if the wood is often left in the open while some external symptoms are exposed to chemical liquids, or following excessive immersion methods that will cause discoloration.


5. Errors in the Cutting Process on Wood

Mistakes will cause patterns and colors to change, where the wood will change the color of mahogany trees that have a red color, for example, light will change color to brownish red.


6. Influence of Organisms

Organisms such as insects and fungi can damage the wood, wood that has a beautiful pattern and color before will make the wood dark and black. Because usually an organism that lives will absorb nutrients and kill the cell tissue in the wood for the needs of the inhabited organism. For example in sapwood where the white wood will turn blue or black, the changes can be caused by fungal attack.


7. Contacts In Metal

When the wood is cut, it is sawn, and the wood is wet, usually the wood will fade if it is exposed to metal, usually wood that has a white color turns slightly red. The wood that was originally green becomes dark brown.