How to Calculate the Cube of Wood

How to Count The Cubication of Logs 

We should know about how to calculate the cubication of wood, because this is very important for us to know, we can calculate and know the price of a wood based on its cubic value. The cube of wood itself is a value for the volume contained in a piece of wood, the unit value using cubic meters m³.

Do you guys know? the cubication of logs is very different from the way of calculating the cubication of planks or sawn timber. Because if we look at the physical shape of the two types of logs and sawn or planks, they are indeed different.

The way to calculate the cubication value of logs is as follows:

Magnitude of the Cubic Value of Log Wood = (P x D2 x 0.7854) : 10,000

Description :

    P = length of log (m)

    D = log diameter (cm)

Example :

Mr. Marco will buy a log with a diameter of 21 cm and a length of 2 meters. If this is calculated using the formula as stated above, the cubication value in a piece of wood is (2 x 21 x 21x 0.7854) : 10,000 = m³. So that the cubication value of one log to be purchased is 0.069272 m³.

How to Count Sawn Wood or Planks

Carpenter holding a measure tape on the work bench

Picture 1. Carpenter holding a measure tape on the work bench stock photo, Source : (

We often encounter saw wood or the boards themselves in our environment, but we need to know how to calculate the cubication of the wood itself.

The formula and how to calculate the cubication of sawn wood or boards is:

The Cubic Value of Wood Planks = (Px W x H): 10,000


    P = length of wooden plank (m)

    L = width of wooden board (cm)

    T = thickness of wooden board (cm)

Application of Calculating Cubic Wood Board :

Mr. Leindra wants to buy a teak plank in the forest and for the purpose of making a chest. Mr. Hendra chose the size of a wooden plank with a length of 6 meters, a width of 20 cm, and a thickness of 4 cm, and how many pieces of wooden planks are needed, when he needs 1 cubic to make a crate?

With this story, we will determine the cubic size, by using and calculating the cubic wooden plank,

Teak wood board cubication

= (6 x 20 x 4) : 10,000

= 480 : 10,000

= 0.048 m³.