picture 1. Round Teak Wood Logs
source :(www.tradeindia.com)
It is not easy to make a craft from natural logs, we have to follow the contours of the shape that nature has provided, therefore our craftsmen or craftsmen choose those who are truly professional in their fields.
The blending of materials to produce strength in our products is tested, with resin materials, and accurate measurements. So as to produce quality goods. To create quality products, we must know about the basic ingredients for making our products, namely teak trees.
Here we will learn about the characteristics and habitat of teak trees. Did you know that teak trees in Indonesia, apart from being in answer, are in Muda, Nusa Tenggara, and Bali.
In other areas, it is very rare for teak trees to survive for long. Teak trees cannot live too long because they originate from the land where the Javan tree lives. If the soil where the teak tree grows is too acidic, it will be difficult for the teak tree to grow and develop. Teak trees require very large phosphorus and calcium substances.
Good and quality teak trees are:
1. The shape of the tree is striped and has a large circumference
2. Have few branches
3. Longevity
4. Straight trunk
Did you know that the age of a good teak tree is approximately 80 years, not 2 or 3 years. Teak trees also need abundant light and sunlight. To produce a quality teak tree, we must know that this tree can grow where an area has good rainfall, which is around 1500 – 2000 mm/year. In order for this tree to grow steadily, the temperature of the area for the growth of teak trees is approximately 27-36 degrees Celsius. This can be applied in the highlands or lowlands.
The soil used for teak cultivation must have a pH of 4.5 -7. If the land is flooded with water or full of water the teak tree cannot live, so the teak tree can live in a place where the soil is not flooded by water. Most teak trees are cultivated in deciduous forests, deciduous forests in which there are trees that like to drop their leaves during the dry season. If the fallen leaves from the tree fall to the floor, it will produce natural fertilizer. But the good thing is that this can also make it difficult for other plants to develop, because it is blocked by the fall of the teak tree leaves, this can eliminate weeds that interfere with the growth of the teak tree. Teak trees should also be cut as often as possible, this pruning stage is done regularly but depends on the age of the teak tree.
And for the advantages of this tree is a group of pioneer species that can survive in this case because it has a thick bark on the wood. The fruit of the teak tree itself has a thick skin and the shell is very hard and layered, therefore if it burns, the core body of the teak seed is not damaged. However, if there is damage to the shell but it is ready for planting when the rainy season arrives, it can make it easier for teak tree shoots to come out and grow.