picture 1. Pohon Jati Pohon Kebun Kayu
Source : (www.kibrispdr.org)
Regarding teak trees in Indonesia, people usually plant teak trees on their respective lands. Or they can also plant teak trees on the land they share together or it can be called a community forest. If teak trees are planted individually in the yard or garden that is not so big, of course the results are different from the quality of teak trees planted in community forests. Most of the plants in community forests are used specifically to plant trees for sale in production because they are deliberately managed specifically. Did you know that teak trees are planted in a modern and traditional way.
This pattern can occur because the maintenance of teak trees is not the same. Disturbances that often occur in the growth of teak trees are pests.
Here is how to maintain teak plants:
1. Pattern for planting
The cropping pattern for teak trees is intercropping and monoculture (similar).
Intercropping is a cropping pattern that can fertilize the soil, where by planting different plants, for example planting plants that have low or shallow capacity alongside plants with deep roots, this can make the soil more loose. Someone who will apply this pattern, will also have another advantage, namely getting a variety of harvests. With the presence of other plants, a farmer will also often visit his land to manage regularly around the growing teak trees. However, the shortcoming in the intercropping pattern is that a farmer must have extra time and energy to care for a land that contains a variety of plants.
Monoculture (similar) cropping pattern is a cropping pattern that applies a similar cropping pattern, there are no other plants growing beside it. For example, if a farmer plants a teak tree, it is only the teak tree, not the others. Monoculture cropping patterns are often done to increase production yields quickly and produce greater production. This planting pattern is quite easy to maintain because there is only one type, while the weakness of this pattern is that it is often attacked by pests if you are not diligent in cleaning and caring for teak trees.
With this it depends again on someone who wants to plant teak trees, whether they want to plant with an intercropping pattern or monoculture, because each pattern has its own advantages and disadvantages.
2. Fertilization
Around the age of 1 year to 3 years or 4 years it would be better to use NPK fertilizer. This fertilizer has the advantage of stimulating root growth, can stimulate tissue growth, accelerate flower and fruit growth. In addition, it increases resistance to disease. This is because NPK fertilizers contain elements of Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K) and Phosphate (P) which are very good for stimulating growth.
In addition to NPK fertilizer, manure can also be used but must be in accordance with the dose, the planting hole dose is around 9 kg or it can be 10 kg. However, it must be remembered that on land that is acidic and lacks lime, plant lime must be added to increase the pH of the soil.
3. Pruning
Pruning that is done to teak plants is part of a twig or tree branch. This is done so that the growing tree does not turn. In addition, the nutrients in the tree can be maintained and do not lead anywhere. So it can focus on the center of the tree. The wood from twigs can be used as firewood and other crafts. But what needs to be understood is that cutting branches should not be too deep so as not to cause major injuries so that they are not attacked by disease. Cutting branches that are too deep will result in large wounds that are slow to close and are also at risk of disease.
4. Separation
Plants such as weeds must be cleaned regularly, because these plants can inhibit the growth of teak trees and will not benefit.
5. Eradicate organisms
Did you know that teak trees can be infected with organisms from the age of 2 or 3 years, but they are rarely seen by farmers, so you have to be careful to check. Because if the farmer is careless, it will be seen when he is 7 or 8 years old. So regular maintenance should be done.
If the tree is already infected, it is better to spray insecticide if it is severe then cut it. Do not transmit the disease to other trees.
6. Keep the distance between plants
Teak plants that are too close together will cause them to grow late. Due to competition for nutrients, water and sunlight capture. This can cause the size of the tree to be different. Some are skinny, and some are fat, this causes a mismatch.
7. Harvest
Teak trees are ready to be harvested when they are 12 to 15 years old, but to produce good quality teak trees can be harvested at the age of 20 years if the tree is used for furniture and materials.