Wood provides benefits for millions of human beings for their daily needs. The use of wood itself is not limited only for furniture but also for fuel. If you know the types of wood are very different variants. Where have different textures and cells. Did you know that wood also has a different color from the existing tree types. Actually wood has a natural color from the wood itself.
For example, patio wood has a darker color than sapwood, but patio wood has a more varied color, but mainly brown and has different patterns. So with this style of pattern it produces its own added value.
Our products prioritize good quality. Where our products still use natural colors from wood, we rarely change the color of wood if it is not asked by the buyer. This is our best-selling product on the market and ready to be sent for this February. This product sets quality colors. The name of this product is Erosion Ball.
Now we will discuss the previous material.
The pattern on a type of wood can appear because :
- There is a difference in the color of the wood from the beginning and the end of the wood which can be seen from the growing circumference of the stem. For example, when the growth of teak wood, the longer the pattern changes because the volume circle is getting bigger.
- There are differences in the color of the tissue, for example for wood there are several tissues. Network 1 has a red-brown color, while the other tissue color is pink. But the more the growth, the more different the pattern because the parenchyma tissue can be mixed.
- Differences in color intensity on the layers of wood, in the long term, the layers on the wood can be different. This timeframe can form in the radial and tangential planes which are usually alternating red-brown and black-colored. So this depends on the growth of cells that can create different pathways so that they can make the pattern of a wood unique based on the characteristics of the growth of the tree.
We can see from the three explanations above that they have one element, namely how long the tree lives and grows to produce patterns on the wood. Because in a tree growth, will create a different style.
If the wood comes from a younger tree, it will produce a lighter color, but if the wood comes from an older tree, the resulting color will be darker and darker.
Wet wood can also produce faded and darkening colors, although previously this wet wood was originally pink or bright in color, if the wood is dry the hue will be lighter, and can produce a more pronounced hue. Wood that has been stored in the open air for a long time will usually be darker in color than fresh wood. All also depends on the climate, the entry of sunlight, and air. But keep in mind that the color of natural wood is very difficult to find, so if you want to see the colors and patterns naturally we have to see it for ourselves when the tree is cut down. Because after that the colors and patterns will change due to many factors.