Easy Ways to Take Care of Wood Furniture

1. Clean Indentations with a Small Brush
For daily maintenance, use a small brush to reach indentations in carvings that are hard to reach.
If you do this often, it is guaranteed that your teak wood furniture will be protected from mold.
2. Use Furniture Cleaning Liquid
It’s best if your friends clean it with a special furniture liquid that’s easy to get at the nearest shops so that the color is better preserved.
3. Use Teak Oil
Teak wood has a distinctive color, but over time the color of teak wood will fade.
Therefore, by polishing it with natural teak wood oil, it can restore its color.
The trick is to rub the furniture with a soft cloth and then let it dry.
4. Avoid Putting Teak Wood Furniture Exposed to Direct Sun
Pay attention to the placement of teak furniture, friends. Don’t expose it to direct sunlight so it doesn’t fade quickly.
5. Treat Teak Furniture with Care
When moving teak furniture, try to move it carefully, don’t move it. Because it will cause scratches and certainly damage the beauty of the surface of teak furniture.
do you know?
Types of Teak Trees:
1. Teak “Lengo” is also dark in color, with spots and stripes
2. Teak “Sungu” black, dense, and heavy
3. Teak “Werut”, which is a teak tree that has hardwood and wavy fibers
4. Teak “Doreng”, very hard wood with bright black stripes, very beautiful.
However, teak forests are most widely distributed in the provinces of Central Java and East Java, namely up to an altitude of 650 meters above sea level. Only in the Besuki area does teak grow no more than 200 meters above sea level.
Teak is most widely spread in Asia. In addition to the four countries of origin of teak and Indonesia, teak was developed as forest plantations in Sri Lanka (since 1680), China (early 19th century), Bangladesh (1871), Vietnam (early 20th century), and Malaysia (1909).
Distribution of Teak Wood
The spread of teak is in India, Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. In Indonesia, the spread of teak is in the regions of Java, Sulawesi, Maluku and the Nusa Tenggara Islands.
Where does the largest teak wood producing area in Indonesia come from?
The East Java region is also known as a teak wood-producing area in Indonesia which accounts for a large share of the regions in the Java archipelago.
On which island are there the most teak trees?
Teak wood is one of the natural plants that thrives on the island of Java.
Where are the teak-producing forests located?
These are the 4 Largest Teak Wood Producing Regions in Indonesia
South Sulawesi is a province known for producing a lot of teak wood. several areas in South Sulawesi such as Bone, Enrekang, Billa, Sidrap, and Soppeng are the main sources of teak production there. The quality of Sulawesi teak is quite good and can be compared with the quality of teak in Java
T E A K …
Teak has a high oil content making it very weather resistant, therefore it offers good elasticity. This means it’s an ideal timber for garden furniture and boat decks, amongst other things. Another great benefit of Teak’s high oil content, is that it gives the wood a high resistance against insect infestation.
Exceptionally strong and durable, teak can last for generations in a wide variety of climates with zero maintenance. This is due to the high rubber and oil content of teak wood that leave it impervious to rain, weather and pests, making it virtually immune to rot.
Professional chefs have praised teak for its anti-skid properties, which means more grip. No more high-action kitchens! Its organic resistance to water is perfect for extensive washing and for handling juicy products. Most importantly, its unique antibacterial properties allow for a safe cooking experience.
teak or suar?
Many people often distinguish between teak wood and suar wood wrongly. They look same but in different quality.
Suar wood and teak wood`s fiber look really similar. Each circle year will add uniqueness and attractiveness of each furniture look.
Suar wood has thicker fiber than teak wood. Suar wood`s circle year looks really clear and sharp and teak wood`s circle year looks clear. Suar wood fiber groove makes straight lines many more than teak wood. Teak wood fiber groove tends to waving.
It is the outermost from wood and it has the lowest strength.
On suar wood, sapwood is really clear so we can directly distinguish which part is sapwood and which one is suar wood. Its sapwood colour is white and the patiowood is dark brown.
On teak wood, sapwood has no subtle differences because the quality of teak wood`s sapwood is close to its patio-wood. The sapwood tends to reddish brown colour and its patio-wood has darker brown color.
Both of woods` colours are dark brown. But old teak wood colour is dark brown with golden effects and this effect can only be seen in teak wood.
When you try to distinguish between suar wood and teak wood, ensure that it has no finishing on it.
Wood Moisture

The state of the air contained in the wood consists of two kinds, namely:
A. Free Water Level
This water content has cavities in the cell. usually the free water content is the easiest and the fastest to come out. Usually the free moisture content releases water in various areas of the wood. But rarely changes in the nature and shape of the wood itself. The thing that affects the wood in this free moisture content is the change in the weight of the wood, where the wood will be heavier because the water content usually flows in all directions quickly.
B. Bound Water Content
Bound Water Content has walls in wood cells, this is of course difficult to visit and usually cell walls affect the properties of wood. usually when the wood has come out to the entire surface of the wood and there is still something left behind, usually the free air can be said to be the saturation point in the fiber (fibersaturated point). Did you know that the level of saturation in fiber varies greatly depending on the chemical composition of the wood contained.
We can measure the air content in a piece of wood with a hydrometer, usually with a maximum air content limit of 60%.
Usually to measure a piece of furniture when it is in production to be sold, also measure it with this tool for checking. Checks are carried out when the production of smoked furniture is ready to be shipped.
Tips For Moving Furniture

a. Furniture Locks
Make sure doors and furniture drawers are closed and locked before moving them. Doors and drawers that open suddenly while moving can have fatal consequences. Avoid this incident for safety and security.
b. Wrap Furniture
Wrap furniture with cardboard or paper wrapping. Secure each corner by placing thicker cardboard at the end of the furniture. This method is done to reduce the risk of abrasions and damage due to scratches or collisions.
c. Position it Diagonally
Lifting large objects in a diagonal position is highly recommended, especially when descending stairs. This method can help balance the load of furniture. Lift the furniture so that one end is higher than the other. Look at the picture above.
d. Involve Others
Ask other people to help you, never do it alone. Especially for moving large and heavy furniture.
e. Not be forced
Avoid forcing furniture to pass through narrow doors or spaces. Pushing and forcing furniture can result in breakage and scratches. Remove the door hinges if necessary to make room for the furniture to be moved.
f. Disassemble If Possible
This step is recommended for knockdown furniture (can be assembled or assembled). This knockdown furniture usually uses screws or bolts that connect the parts,
g. Use Professionals
Use a moving service to help with your move. This can make your move more practical and safer.

The goat skin used has also been cleaned dry, and has gone through several processes so that it does not smell. If you like bohemian concepts, this bench might be your choice. So, how to care goatskin materials, as follows:
• Clean the leather sofa regularly once a week with a dry, soft cloth.
• For furry leather sofas, use a soft brush when cleaning dust and grime.
• Do not expose the leather sofa to direct sunlight so that the color does not fade quickly.
• Especially for smooth skin, keep the moisture by applying a special skin moisturizer that is available in the market, approximately once a month. Actually, animal skin is similar to human skin, if not given a moisturizer, the surface becomes chapped and eventually cuts / tears easily. If a special moisturizer is difficult to find around the house, it can be replaced with a skin moisturizer that is commonly used by humans.
• Avoid water spills, especially for leather sofas made of suede because they absorb water very easily. Immediately wipe the surface of the sofa if it gets water droplets with a dry cloth made from a soft cloth.
• For hairy skin, stick the affected area with a highly absorbent sponge until it dries and the water is completely absorbed.
Above are Wooden Furniture from our company, CV. Alas Gembol. If you are interested with our wooden furniture, you can see our catalogues or information at or kindly send us email to or You can order finished or unfinished products. Here we have antique, classic, and rustic teak, suar, and lychee wood furniture.
Alas Gembol has a variety of stool with different sizes and finishes, one of which is a goat skin stool. This bench has the same function as other chairs only in the manufacturing material is slightly different because it usually only uses wood but for this chair add goat skin to coat the wood to make it look unique and funny.

Functions of Cabinets

So far, you know that the main function of a cabinet or cupboard is as a storage area. The basic form is in the form of a shelf that can be placed in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, garage, school, hospital and office.
Aesthetic Value Added Cabinet for Space
Along with changes in architectural ideas and interior design, the concept of the cabinet is more aimed at adding to the aesthetic value of space rather than its function.
The shapes and designs of cabinets nowadays vary, but the shape of the box will be easier to place and arrange so that it is easy to arrange as you wish. The production technique is also relatively easy and cheap.
A variety of cabinets can also be placed on the side of the bed (bedset). Its function is besides being a storage area, it can also add aesthetic value to your bedroom. In addition, the bedset is also effectively used as a bed support. A bed that has a cabinet in it is suitable for a minimalist space because of its multiple functions.
The cabinet has an effective and efficient function in a space because apart from being a storage area it can also be an added value in space design. If this cabinet is put together into one function with other furniture of different types, this cabinet is a type of multifunctional furniture.