We cannot predict the weather absolutely, because the weather can change at any time. What we know is limited. Nature is erratic. It could be this morning full of dams and rain, and it could be afternoon or evening when the weather is very hot. Did you know that this can damage your furniture at home? You do need to take care of all the things you have. If you have wood-based furniture, pay attention to whether it is moldy or not. The type of fungus that is often found in wood can cause some harm.
Usually, for the manufacture of wood-based furniture, you must know that moldy wood will rot, and damage the aesthetics of the wood.
Did you also know that the presence of mold in the weathering of wood can interfere with human health, this can happen to humans who have dust allergies, or are exposed to the spores of the fungus. Side effects can vary from various humans. Most of the effects are fever and then itching of the skin.
There are 3 kinds of rotting fungi that exist in wood:
The 3 types are brown rot fungi, white rot mushrooms, and softening mushrooms.
Brown rot fungus can usually cause changes by causing a change in color – the color of the wood will be dark brown. And then it will rot. The two white rot fungi, here the fungus reacts by slowly removing the components in the wood, the main components can be called cellulose and lignin in wood, and if the fungus works perfectly, the wood will turn white. The third rot fungus is softening fungus, where softening fungi work to soften the surface on the wood, just imagine if the softening fungus is on your furniture it will take a long time to damage, and possibly brittle.
From the quote above, you can prevent your wood from getting moldy, here’s how:
Keep the air humidity when you store a product, do not place it in a humid place. If there is a lot of dust on your furniture, you can clean it immediately. Because dust can trigger wood to become moldy. furniture and furniture in a room that does not have low air circulation, because this can cause humidity and mold to grow.
If we look, where there must be a good finishing process to make furniture, we also need to pay attention to, because the lack of sunlight makes the wood moist. The application method or process for finishing natural look wood products is to make sure the wood is completely dry, the wood should not contain dust or dirt, even if it is dust from sandpaper residue. find antifungal products for your furniture as desired, and see in detail how to use them according to the instructions for the fungal medicine product you bought, then brush the antifungal medicine on the wood surface, don’t forget to use gloves and a mask to protect your skin from irritation or itching. Do not forget to apply the bottom of your furniture, because the bottom of the furniture often grows mold. Then dry your furniture in the sun until it is completely dry.
In addition, we also have to pay attention to packing, this often happens if the container is often ready, but the production is still not finished. So it will be rushed. Did you know that mold will also grow inside the container, as a result, buyers refuse furniture products?
In addition to applying antifungal products to wood, we must also use a moisture absorber, moisture absorbent products can be sold freely in the market, this is used to bind air particles in the air. With the binding of water particles, the air becomes dry. For example, mold or mold spores in the Default container that have grown will wither because there is no adequate air source for the fungus to grow.
From the description above we can conclude that we should not take mushrooms for granted, we need to treat any object with heart.